Get a jumpstart with the Jaguar Job Fair
“The Jaguar Job Fair is a great way to get educated about what employers are looking for,” says Julie Goley.
Augusta University plans to expand its animation program to include an additional 21 faculty members in the Department of Art and Design, which will make it possible to attract about 400 more animation students in the coming years.
“The Jaguar Job Fair is a great way to get educated about what employers are looking for,” says Julie Goley.
“The Jaguar Job Fair is a great way to get educated about what employers are looking for,” says Julie Goley.
“The Jaguar Job Fair is a great way to get educated about what employers are looking for,” says Julie Goley.
Jag Mobile is a one-stop virtual location for all need-to-know information and a centralized resource for other apps. This will include news and alerts, department updates, emergency information, health resources, student updates and more.
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The annual event was held Sept. 7 on the Summerville Campus.
The book is designed for current instructors of public administration, political science and social science.
When a child is diagnosed with cancer, it can be a parent’s worst nightmare. Though
On any given day, about 1 in 25 hospital patients will have a healthcare-associated infection
A young woman became a first-time mom on Mother’s Day 2017. Candace Cordell gave birth
Augusta University Medical Center has been awarded the CEO Cancer Gold Standard for incorporating strategies
Jagwire is your source for news and stories from Augusta University. Daily updates highlight the many ways students, faculty, staff, researchers and clinicians "bring their A games" in classrooms and clinics on four campuses in Augusta and locations across the state of Georgia.