In oxygen-compromising conditions like diabetes, the body grows new blood vessels to help, but the result is often leaky, dysfunctional vessels that make bad matters worse. Now...
A study of otherwise healthy adolescents showed that those who consumed the least vitamin K1– found in spinach, cabbage, iceberg lettuce and olive oil – were at 3.3 times greater...
Dr. Sylvia Smith, co-director of the James and Jean Culver Vision Discovery Institute, was awarded a $300,000 grant to further study retinitis pigmentosa.
Cancer vaccines may need to better target T cells that can hold up to the long fight against cancer, scientists report. Studies of two T cell types that are equally activated by...
Dr. Marie A. Tonette Krousel-Wood, senior associate dean for faculty affairs and associate provost for health sciences at the Tulane University School of Public Health and...
A group of steroid hormones could provide new insight into the bone loss and deterioration that occurs with aging, researchers at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta...
Dr. David Terris, a Regents’ Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology at the Medical College of Georgia, is the recipient of a 2017 Presidential Citation from the American...
AUGUSTA, Ga. – Intermittent electrical stimulation of an area deep inside the brain that degenerates in Alzheimer’s appears to improve working memory, scientists report...
Sodium channels in the cells that line the tiny capillaries in our lungs play an important role in keeping those capillaries from leaking and potentially worsening conditions like...
The force gravity and physical activity put on our bones causes tiny tears in the membranes of the tiny cells that enable us to make or break down bone, scientists say. While that...
Dr. Richard A. McIndoe, bioinformatics expert and associate director of the Center for Biotechnology and Genomic Medicine at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University...
These hot summer days may tempt some of us to reach for a cold sugary drink, but scientists are finding increasing evidence that if we reach too often, we are setting ourselves up...
Older people receiving electroconvulsive therapy for their depression likely will need an additional treatment if insomnia is one of their symptoms, researchers report. “What we...
It’s a cancer of the plasma cells, which normally make an array of antibodies that protect us from infection. With multiple myeloma, the cells start primarily producing instead a...
IBM’s Watson beat real-life contestants on Jeopardy. Now researchers are hoping this icon of artificial intelligence will help people with cancer win as well by providing a rapid...
AUGUSTA, Ga. – When women are hypertensive their physicians should consider measuring their level of aldosterone, a hormone that at high levels damages the cardiovascular system...
Manmade peptides that directly disrupt the inner workings of a gene known to support cancer’s spread significantly reduce metastasis in a mouse model of breast cancer, scientists...
A new report published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows new evidence to support the link between brain disease and repeated concussions or blows to...
Injury or disease in combination with too little vitamin D can be bad for the window to your eyes. The three-layer, transparent cornea at the front of the eyes focuses the light...
It’s a metabolite found in essentially all our cells that, like so many things, cancer overexpresses. Now scientists have shown that when they inhibit 20-HETE, it reduces both the...