“One of the things we have been able to do is allocate seed funding to help develop projects, including this project from SPH,” says Amado Alejandro Báez, MD, PhD.
"It's one of the first publications as a lab we've produced, and it was kind of new because it took what we were doing in the fruit fly and combined that with computational work...
“Having a resource like this, especially locally, right here on campus, is a really important asset for our researchers,” says Meghan McGee-Lawrence, PhD.
Guido Verbeck, PhD, chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Augusta University, is making strides to battle the fentanyl epidemic plaguing the nation.
Datta’s research featured in the article focuses on the chirality of molecules and crystal structures and how it affects their magnetic properties.
Guido Verbeck, PhD, the new chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in the College of Science and Mathematics, has been awarded a grant from the Bill & Melinda...
Arni S.R. Srinivasa Rao, PhD, has published extensive research around the United Nation’s Human Development Index. His most recent research was published in the scientific journal...
On June 9, Arni S.R. Srinivasa Rao, PhD, delivered a presentation hosted by the Department of Education in Science and Mathematics within the National Council of Educational...
In collaboration with faculty and staff, one student researcher has developed a color palette for anatomical models that's more accessible to students with color vision deficiency.
“I have been following the HDI for almost two decades, and I have performed numerous mathematical and computational theories around the life expectancy portion,” said Arni S.R...
“Cells are very complicated systems that we are still working to understand, so we had to find a way to simplify it," said Abdul N. Malmi-Kakkada, PhD.
Mathematical models indicate that as few as one in five cases of COVID-19 which occurred during the first 29 months of the pandemic are accounted for in the half billion cases...
“I love teaching, and all of my classes are opportunities for me to emphasize how to bring an anti-racist lens to psychotherapy,” Dr. Melanie Wilcox said.
“This has the potential to help create better discourse, dialogue, national security measures and policy options cross-nationally and cross-culturally.”
Two graduate programs at Augusta University that first matriculated students in fall 2019 are preparing to recognize their first cohorts of graduates this spring.
“Undergraduate research allows students to both go deeper into mathematics and serves as a way to integrate knowledge from different mathematics courses that may not seem related.”
From years of service to multimillion-dollar grants, we celebrate our successes together! Dive into stories about students, faculty, staff and alumni inside the DCG Magazine.
Henry Knox and Emma Geister, graduate students in the biomolecular science program, presented research posters at the APA meeting.
Dr. Nathan Yanasak, associate professor at MCG, also has expertise in astrophysics and actively pursues a hobby in astrophotography.
A research team from Augusta University and Georgia Southern University have collaborated on research focused on the restoration of the natural riverbed of the Satilla River in...