A member of a protein family known for protecting our cells also protects cancer cells in aggressive, metastatic breast cancer, scientists report.
The hybrid operating room combines three techniques into a single appointment eliminating multiple clinical visits for improved patient experience and outcomes.
MCG study published in Journal of Homosexuality shows twice the number of poor mental health days as the general population.
Correcting unhealthy molecular shifts as we age can result in healthier bone formation.
Searching for new ways to reduce the impact of mental stress on our physical well being.
New study sheds light on reducing recidivism for those found guilty by reason of insanity.
Problems like obesity and alcoholism appear to chronically trigger in the liver a receptor known to amplify inflammation in response to invaders like bacteria, scientists report.
The grant will fund the Augusta Area Comprehensive Offender Re-entry Program, which partners with existing local organizations to integrate people back into their communities.
A third-year resident at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University is working to increase colorectal screening rates in some of Georgia’s poorest and most underserved...
Higher levels of oxidative stress in males results in lower levels of a cofactor needed to make the powerful blood vessel dilator nitric oxide, researchers report.
Probiotic use is a link between brain fogginess, severe bloating
Investigators report a manmade antibody delivering a drug that inhibits inflammation can reverse a disease course that often leads to kidney failure.
New target is an apparent triple threat to pneumonia.
Scientists have evidence that variants of the same gene that enables us to make connective tissue by crosslinking proteins is associated with unusual glaucoma.
MCG students selected to participate in yearlong NIH research program
Scientists explore how high blood pressure hurts cognition.
Oxidative stress can help tumors thrive, but one way novel cancer treatments work is by pushing levels to the point where it instead helps them die, scientists report.
Silence is golden when it comes to how our brains work
When Curt Thompson’s son was diagnosed with a paraganglioma, a tumor from the adrenal gland tissue, he was told that, due to the rarity of his son’s condition, the family would...
Sullivan selected for two national scientific honors.