As the City of Augusta welcomed Florida evacuees affected by Hurricane Irma, the Augusta University community jumped in to help without hesitation. Augusta University volunteers...
It’s that time of year! Open Enrollment for AU Medical Center benefits starts on Sunday, October 1, and ends on at midnight Sunday, October 15, 2017. As in past years, this is an...
Dr. Skon Nazarian, a fourth-year Radiology resident, was born and raised in Houston, Texas. When Hurricane Harvey struck, he didn’t waste a second on second thoughts. He...
Pumpkin spice lattés, pumpkin spice yogurt, even pumpkin spice lip balm. When it comes to fall, pumpkin can be put in anything you can imagine. For Laurie Woolard, pumpkins are...
The official t-shirt for the Georgia Cancer Center’s Pink Pumpkin Party is now available to order. The shirt comes in pink, the color of breast cancer awareness, with the Augusta...
Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Augusta University radiology resident Skon Nazarian was determined to find a way to help his hometown in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. So, he...
Patients at the Children’s Hospital of Georgia and their families hung gold ribbons around trees lining the breezeway Friday. The gold ribbon represents childhood cancer. Ribbons...
Reese Library will host “‘And there’s the humor of it’: Shakespeare and the four humors,” a Shakespearian medical exhibit, from Aug. 28 to Saturday, Oct. 7...
The following communication was sent to the Augusta University family by President Brooks Keel. Dear Colleague, Our Augusta University (AU) Day of Service is the special day each...
The American Society of Hematology will honor Dr. Betty S. Pace, interim chief of the Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta...
Cells that break away from a cancerous tumor and wander through the body can tell us a lot about the tumor itself, potentially leading to new avenues of research, quicker...
After 32 years of service as executive director of the Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home, Charles Esposito will retire Oct. 1.
Not only is Reagan Rhodes a local celebrity for Children’s Hospital of Georgia through her miracle story, but she recently earned the national spotlight by being crowned USA...
Carlos R. Escobar, a facilities development professional with more than 20 years’ experience, has been named assistant vice president of Planning, Design and Construction for...
In order to provide employees with their first opportunity to try-on and purchase uniforms, our AU Health uniform vending partner Scrubs & Beyond will host a Fit-Line event...
This month’s Healing Arts exhibit takes viewers on the road less traveled. Award winning photographer Mike Stanley, chief ophthalmic photographer for the Department of...
He may be getting ready to start college at Washington and Lee University in Virginia, but the summer Charlie Weeks spent at the Georgia Cancer Center learning the molecular...
IBM’s Watson beat real-life contestants on Jeopardy. Now researchers are hoping this icon of artificial intelligence will help people with cancer win as well by providing a rapid...
The award-winning performer will help raise money for the James and Jean Culver Vision Discovery Institute at Augusta University.
In recognition of World Breastfeeding Week, two NICU programs ensure that newborns – and moms – get the right nourishment.