Faculty at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University were recognized with Exemplary Teaching Awards for their contributions to students and residents at the state’s...
Roosevelt Warm Springs is one of only 16 Gold status hospitals in Georgia and the only rehabilitation or long-term acute care hospital recognized at any level.
Carlos Escobar, assistant vice president of Facilities, Planning, Design and Construction Division, has recently accepted a position with the Department of Veteran Affairs.
Three faculty members will be spending their summer using grant money for their research.
Augusta University’s Pamplin College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences is excited to celebrate the recent publication of research conducted by two faculty members and a...
The Council for the Association for Politics and the Life Sciences has voted to designate Dr. Gregg Murray as editor-in-chief for the Cambridge University Press journal "Politics...
Dr. Vinata B. Lokeshwar, chair of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, is the recipient of the 2018 Distinguished Service Award from the Society for Basic...
For almost 20 years, the department’s holiday party has continued to be a time when faculty and staff can enjoy each others company but is also an opportunity to help those in the...
Dr. Andrew Balas' new book explores the best practices of innovative research and effective science.
Augusta University’s Student Wellness Program has been awarded a $8,027.01 grant from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety.
With participating teams from training programs around the country, Drs. Reed and Mawhirt competed to answer a variety of questions posed by an expert panel.
To date, there are only 447 law enforcement agencies across the nation that have signed the One Mind Campaign pledge, and the Augusta University Police Department is one of 31...
Occupational Therapy students create sensory kits to help residents of the Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home.
Governor Nathan Deal recently appointed John Morgan, interim chair for the Department of Neurology, to the Georgia Alzheimer's & Related Dementias State Plan Advisory Council.
Dr. May becomes the second woman since 1942 to serve in the role of ACAAI treasurer.
Laverne Lewis Gaskins represents Augusta University and American Bar Association at United Nations.
Students and faculty in the Department of Chemistry and Physics in the College of Science and Mathematics had a strong presence at the recent Southeastern Regional Meeting of the...
Augusta University was well represented at the recent 2018 National Collegiate Honors Council Annual Conference.
Who was Caught in the Act of Great Teaching? These professors were!
Augusta university facilities management professionals took home two awards at the 2018 Facilities Officer Conference.