On top of receiving funding for her research, Majeed has also been invited to speak at the Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training Recertification Conference.
It’s not certain that the tongue and taste buds even have the well-known ACE2 receptors found on cells in the lungs, heart, kidneys, intestines and brain, which the spiky SARS-CoV...
The scientists worked in models of blood vessel development in the highly vascularized retina and in peripheral artery disease in a limb.
The new study provides some of the first evidence that synthetic compounds that activate sigma 1 receptor may one day help mitigate damage from glaucoma.
The donation will go toward recruiting Black male teachers and underrepresented physicians.
The project is poised to find new ways that can lead to more scientific results and discoveries.
An assessment of nearly 250 newborns placed on ECMO because of respiratory failure over 17 years indicates that when breathing, not heart function, is the problem, the safest path...
The findings could point toward new therapeutic targets for movement disorders.
High housing costs, frequent moves and homelessness are higher among cancer survivors and can negatively affect their long-term care, according to a new study by the Medical...
In apparently the first study of its kind, investigators used optical genome mapping to get a thorough assessment of the genome of 52 severally ill patients with COVID-19.
From years of service to multimillion-dollar grants, we celebrate our successes together! Dive into stories about students, faculty, staff and alumni inside the DCG Magazine.
Despite liver cancer being the third leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, there are not many treatment options currently available for patients. Dr. Yukai He and his team...
Dr. Yanbin Dong, a geneticist and cardiologist who joined the Georgia Prevention Institute 20 years ago, has been tapped to lead the institute.
Wang will enable MCG to more strategically address the pervasive condition and identify better therapeutic and prevention strategies.
The new Center for Immunology at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University will dramatically expand research to better harness the power of the immune system to prevent...
A molecule of RNA called CARMN has been found in abundance in the healthy smooth muscle cells that help give our blood vessels strength and flexibility, and distinctly decreased...
Drugs that block the mineralocorticoid receptor, like the hypertension medications spironolactone and eplerenone, may help protect bone cells, MCG scientists say.
In the first study to use CBD in an animal model of glioblastoma, researchers find inhaled CBD shrinks the size of the highly aggressive, lethal brain tumor glioblastoma by...
A gene that is overexpressed in some aggressive cancers also appears to be key to the excessive cell proliferation that thickens the walls of pulmonary arteries and ultimately...
After graduating, Augusta University doctoral student Shannon Barwick hopes to pursue a career in medical education.