Dr. Michael Winkler, a radiologist who specializes in advanced cardiovascular imaging, is the new chief of the Division of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Radiology in the Department...
Augusta University Health now has a dedicated site for kids to be tested for COVID-19.
Augusta University expert shares insight on the rise of women of color in political power.
Learn how the Children's Hospital of Georgia helped a local teen jump start her weight loss journey.
When the eye isn’t getting enough oxygen in the face of common conditions like premature birth or diabetes, it sets in motion a state of frenzied energy production that can...
“NCAA Presidents continue to show leadership in ensuring the safety and well-being of our student athletes and coaches in making the tough decisions relative to NCAA Championship...
Need an expert for your upcoming story on COVID-19? Augusta University is ready to help.
Terrorism expert Dr. Craig Albert weighs in on the decision to overturn the death sentence in death penalty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
A rapid, cheap, and reliable pooling strategy for screening of SARS-CoV-2 maximizes available testing kits and resources in the COVID-19 pandemic.
American politics expert Dr. Mary-Kate Lizotte weighs in on who could be Biden's choice for a running mate.
Need an expert for your upcoming back-to-school story? Augusta University is ready to help.
Learn how to ease your child's anxiety about returning to school during a global crisis.
A decision regarding men's and women's basketball will be made at a later date.
The number one way parents should be preparing students now to return to school during the COVID-19 pandemic is teaching them to wear a mask every time they leave home, an Augusta...
Dr. Stephen Shiver, who led the residency program in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University from 2008-17, has been named the...
One of Augusta University Health’s two COVID-19 drive-thru specimen collection locations will relocate to downtown Augusta in an attempt to provide better access to testing for...
Cannabidiol, or CBD, may help reduce the cytokine storm and excessive lung inflammation that is killing many patients with COVID-19, researchers say.
Marked racial disparities exist in confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths, investigators say, and highlight urgent needs to ensure adequate testing and treatment are available to...
Do you need an expert for an upcoming story? Augusta University can help.
Administered through Georgia CORE, the CDC-funded program will bring colorectal screening, navigation and colonoscopies to 15,000 people in southeast and southwest Georgia.