Student compliance training deadline Dec. 15

Just as Augusta University employees are required to complete their annual compliance training, so too are Augusta University students.

If you’re someone who has contact with students, please remind them that the deadline to complete the coursework is December 15, 2017.

Students will be assigned the following modules within the 2017 Annual Compliance Training Course.

  • Annual Safety, Security, and Emergency Response Refresher
  • CARE Team
  • FERPA/Drug-Free Schools and Campuses
  • Healthy Perspectives
  • HIPAA Refresher – Parts 1 and 2
  • Information Security/Confidentiality Statement

Students will have 30 days to complete all assignments. The deadline date for this course to be completed is December 15th.

To access your annual training assignment, go to the training page and use your Net ID and password to login. It is recommended to use a browser such as FireFox or Google Chrome for this training. If you have any issues or questions with login, contact the Help Desk at 706-721-4000. Please refer to the Quick Tips Guide for additional instructions for accessing content and grades.

Remember, compliance is everyone’s responsibility. Being accountable in your role as a student is a requirement which means your attention to complete this assignment is very important and much appreciated.

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Written by
Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson is publications editor at Augusta University. You can reach him at

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