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Augusta University President Brooks A. Keel, PhD

President Keel discusses vaccine requirement for federal contractors in second town hall

Augusta University President Brooks A. Keel, PhD held an additional town hall Nov. 12, this time exclusively via livestream, to discuss the recent presidential executive order that requires federal contractors, including those within the University System of Georgia, to comply with COVID-19 guidance from the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force.

This executive order requires COVID-19 vaccinations for all federal contractors and those working in connection with a covered federal contract, which new estimates show includes 92% of Augusta University employees, Keel said during the livestream.

Keel also addressed frequently asked questions about the executive order, including more details on religious or medical exemptions, vaccination leave and how to upload proof of vaccination.

For more information, view Keel’s most recent COVID-19 update video or visit the guidance page for this executive order.

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