Hackers continue to make more frequent and sophisticated attempts to infiltrate municipalities and government computer systems. In the past month, Augusta, Georgia, and Dallas...
Ruth McClelland-Nugent, PhD, said this is a major day for those in the United Kingdom, and to a lesser extent, some parts of the Commonwealth “where the British monarch is also...
Steve Weldon, director of the Cyber Institute at Augusta University’s School of Computer and Cyber Sciences, said people need to understand there is risk when plugging a phone...
“So it’s not like you or I are going to be walking down the street and say hello to somebody and shake hands (and get infected). That’s not going to happen. You have to be in the...
“We are taking the right steps, but I’m not sure if we will be entirely able to use green energy, but we definitely need to be more green than we are today,” said Jessica...
While some thought this war wouldn’t last long, including perhaps Russia itself, Augusta University's Craig Albert,PhD, is not surprised the war continues.
Simon Medcalfe, PhD, resident expert on the economy at Augusta University, shared his thoughts on where the economy stands as the final months of the year approach.
“Recognizing the value and sensitivity of the data on our smartphones can guide us in how we protect these devices. We may not think as much about the security and privacy of our...
Kim Davies, PhD, dean of Pamplin College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, recently appears as guest host of the nationally recognized "True Crime Daily: The Podcast."
Researchers say whether politicians actually trade on insider information or their ability to influence government policy is less relevant than investors' perceptions that this is...
“Most individuals who watch debates are well informed and therefore very likely to already have a party identification,” said Mary-Kate Lizotte.
“We used to think that a good jobs report would make a good economy, and typically it does, but in the last couple of months when the jobs report was good, the market has tanked...
An Augusta University expert discusses a surprising turn in the war in Ukraine.
“People who you encounter every day have issues with opioid use disorder and substance use disorder and alcohol use disorder,” said Dr. Aaron Johnson.
“One of the good things about this debt reduction and debt forgiveness is that the Biden administration is making some very firm attempts to go in and fix some of the payment...
“There are many Chechens that may think this is the perfect strategic opportunity to break away from Russia and claim independence."
“We need to start thinking about the long-term implications for adult women married as children and to increase awareness of the chronic issues that can arise, if left unaddressed...
Augusta University’s Dr. William Hatcher, an expert when it comes to public administration and social, economic and political institutions in local communities, agrees that event...
“Adults looking after children really need to pay attention to their child, seeing where they've got strengths and trying to channel their activities and interest into those...
“A number of conditions are really undermined by being stigmatized, including diet, obesity and substance use disorders,” said Laura Williamson, PhD.