The University Compliance Program was created to ensure the University meets the commitment to comply with all laws, regulations, and operational policies. It is a proactive program which includes training workforce members (including student employees) to be better equipped to prevent, detect, and report illegal, unethical, or non-compliant incidents.
For the 2015 requirement, University (Health Sciences and Summerville) employees will be assigned the following ten modules within the 2015 Annual Compliance -University Employees course on December 22, 2015:
- A Note from Dr. Brooks Keel: Introduction to Compliance/The Cautionary Tale of Cecil the Lion
- Care Team
- Environmental Safety, Security, and Emergency Response
- FERPA/Drug-Free Schools and Campuses
- Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
- Healthy Perspectives
- HIPAA Privacy Rule Refresher
- Information Security/Confidentiality Statement
- State Business Transactions Reminder
- Title IX for Employees
University employees will have 60 days to complete all assignments in this course. The deadline date for this course to be completed is February 22, 2016.
Stay tuned – Additional information about accessing compliance training will be provided to all employees before the initial assignment of this course.
Hands-On Learning Labs have been scheduled at the following locations on both campuses to assist employees in completing this course:
- Tuesday, January 5 University Hall (UH223) Summerville 8:30 to 11:00 a.m.
- Thursday, January 7 Health Sciences Bldg. (EC 2216) 8:30 to 11:00 a.m.
- Thursday, January 14 University Hall (UH129) Summerville 8:30 to 11:00 a.m.
- Tuesday, January 19 Greenblatt Library (AB 127) 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.