New S.P.I.R.I.T.  Awards announced for university and medical center employees

fraud_week_logoAs part of the University System of Georgia Fraud Awareness Program, Georgia Regents University, soon to be Augusta University, is kicking off a new-look anti-fraud campaign during International Fraud Awareness Week, Nov. 15-21.

“Headed in the Right Direction” is a new, values-based awareness campaign designed to emphasize the benefits of working in – and maintaining – an ethical work environment.

While on paper, doing the right thing often seems fairly black and white, the workplace is riddled with gray areas, ethical dilemmas and decision points that if not well thought out can have unintended consequences.

Most everyone knows that adding an unauthorized person to the payroll is unethical, and no one would be surprised to hear that accepting cash from a vendor in exchange for a contract has severe and lasting repercussions for the individual as well as the institution. But what about waiving transaction fees without authorization? Or surfing the web during working hours? Or more subtle conflicts of interest that benefit the employee at the expense of the institution?

Getting everyone headed in the right ethical direction keeps misconduct numbers low, raises morale and translates into better performance and increased financial success. The SPIRIT Awards are a way to recognize and reward those who are leading us in the right direction.

The SPIRIT Awards will recognize employees from all segments and levels of our organization who best embody the SPIRIT characteristics:


  • Stewardship: Carefully managing resources
  • Prevention: Raising awareness
  • Integrity: Building a culture of ethical behavior
  • Responsibility: Upholding our duty to report
  • Inspiration: Leading by example
  • Trust: Preserving public confidence

More about the SPIRIT awards, including details on the nomination process, will be revealed in the near future. It is envisioned that several awards will be made throughout the year, culminating in one grand award to be presented at the spring employee recognition ceremony.

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Written by
Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson is publications editor at Augusta University. You can reach him at

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