Making more of enzyme A1, which tamps down inflammation, available could help treat diabetic retinopathy and retinopathy of prematurity.
Chronic, ongoing psychosocial stressors that never allow you to "come down" can cause wear and tear on your body at a biological level.
Mathematical models indicate that as few as one in five cases of COVID-19 which occurred during the first 29 months of the pandemic are accounted for in the half billion cases...
Some mice just seem more susceptible to a lasting impact from a major and/or chronic stressor.
The high cost of oncology care in the United States and its adverse effects on cancer survivors is of increasing concern.
The technique that can be used at home is a safe, effective and inexpensive way to reduce the risk of severe illness and death from coronavirus infection
Our cells are constantly communicating, and scientists have developed an efficient way to find out what messages they are sending.
Up to 90% of patients with these brain injuries experience collateral damage to brain tissue adjacent to the site of the injury hours and sometimes even days later, worsening...
The A1R-CT peptide the scientists developed can be administered through a nasal spray.
“We need to start thinking about the long-term implications for adult women married as children and to increase awareness of the chronic issues that can arise, if left unaddressed...
A $400,000 Established Investigator Award from the American Heart Association will support work to make the middle layer of veins more like the thicker middle of arteries, which...
The results support the growing evidence that there are chronic neuropsychiatric symptoms following COVID-19 infections.
Recent findings of MCG scientists and others suggest that some people with Alzheimer’s who have brain changes widely associated with the condition may not develop dementia without...
“BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month is an opportunity for us to raise awareness while also encouraging people to advocate and take action with regard to the mental health...
“A number of conditions are really undermined by being stigmatized, including diet, obesity and substance use disorders,” said Laura Williamson, PhD.
Public health and intelligence experts at Augusta University partnered to write a new publication on health security and COVID-19 in the Dominican Republic.
A new collaboration between the College of Nursing and the Center for Instructional Innovation is helping students learn end-of-life care in a safe, controlled environment.
MCG scientist wants to find a better way to intervene in the syndrome that can have lifelong consequences for mother and child.
"Scientists do not fully understand the long-term health effects of electronic cigarettes, yet science indicates that they are not a safe alternative to smoking," said Dr. Zubair...
A study finds that among autistic adults, disparities in dual eligibility for Medicaid and Medicare across race and ethnicity contribute to disparities in access to services.