8th Annual Economic Forecast Breakfast

The James M. Hull College of Business will host an Economic Forecast breakfast on Wednesday, Jan. 13, at 7:30 a.m. in the Jaguar Student Activities Center Ballroom on the Summerville Campus.

Simon Medcalfe, Associate Professor of Finance, will be the guest speaker at this free breakfast. Medcalfe is the author of the Augusta Leading Economic Index (Augusta LEI), a monthly composite index that combines several national, regional, and local indicators into a single variable. He is also a guest columnist for the Augusta Chronicle.

To RSVP, contact Lenora Harkins at lharkins@gru.edu or 706-737-1418.

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Written by
Danielle Harris

Danielle Harris is Senior Media Relations Coordinator at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-721-7511 or deharris1@augusta.edu.

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