Woman using virtual reality
Center for Instructional Innovation visitor getting a glimpse of virtual reality.

Try virtual reality demo and more at Center for Instructional Innovation open house

The Center for Instructional Innovation will give Augusta University faculty a glimpse of its services during its first open house from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 13.

Attendees will have a chance to experience a virtual reality demonstration, create a quick animation using only their voices and facial expressions and play with a green screen (a special-effects technology used by meteorologists and moviemakers).

Faculty will also learn more about rapid course development, accessibility and approved educational technologies. There will also be a poster printing demo.

“When I work with this diverse team, I am energized by their positive postures, by their sense that all things are possible, and by their commitment to supporting student learning. In concert with our faculty, I expect that this team of eight instructional designers, supported by Aisling Reigle and Dr. Raymond Whiting, will change the instructional environment of our university in remarkable and positive ways,” said Dr. Zach Kelehear, vice provost for instruction.

The event will take place in rooms 227, 235 and 305 at University Hall as well as room 319 at the Reese Library on the Summerville Campus.

The open house is free and open to all faculty. Refreshments and snacks will be served.

Learn more about the Center for Instructional Innovation.

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Written by
Raysean Ricks

Raysean Ricks is a writer for Communications & Marketing at Augusta University. Contact him to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-721-6144 or email him at rricks@augusta.edu.

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