Study Abroad to offer Faculty Development Travel Grants

The Study Abroad Office will offer a limited number of Faculty Development Travel Grants. Faculty members interested in teaching a study abroad course, and interested in getting hands-on experience at the site selected before taking students, are encouraged to apply.

The grant program will help faculty with travel costs as they preview intended activities for a future study abroad course. Grantees are then asked to submit an official study abroad proposal.

Faculty interested in applying for a Faculty Development Travel Grant should compile the following information in an email to Maria Darley no later than Jan. 4, 2019.

  • A detailed description of the course you would like to offer
  • The proposed location(s) for the study abroad course, including a rough outline of a proposed itinerary for the program
  • A list of potential learning outcomes and how those might be achieved in the desired location
  • The time of year the program would take place as well as the possible length of the proposed program
  • The desired date of travel for the faculty member. Travel for the Faculty Development Travel Grants must take place before May 31.
  • A list of estimated expenses for the potential site visit. Estimations can be extremely generalized.

Priority for Faculty Development Travel Grants will be given to:

  • Faculty members who have not led a Study Abroad/ Away program at AU and/or NEVER led a program
  • Proposals involving a “new” location and/or new discipline in a location
  • Faculty with plans to turn in a proposal by April 1, 2019

The Study Abroad Office will award two to three $1,500-$3,000 grants based on award recipients.

Contact the Study Abroad Office for more information.

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Written by
Nick Garrett

Nick Garrett is a communications coordinator in the Division of Communications & Marketing at Augusta University. Contact him at 706-446-4802 or

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