Due to the recent surge in patients with COVID-19 at Augusta University Medical Center, the Patient- and Family-Centered Care (PFCC) Conference has been postponed from Jan. 20 to March 16, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
The theme, “We are Stronger…Because of COVID,” celebrates Our AU Heroes who have rallied during this difficult time. Also, the PFCC Conference will highlight unprecedented AU Health innovations… because of COVID.
This year’s conference is a bit different, because of COVID, and will be held in a new hybrid format. Limited physically distanced seating is available for those who would like to attend in person, while live-streaming is available for those who prefer to attend virtually. A recorded version will also be available following the conference.
Click here to register. For those already registered, no need to re-register. For more information, email PFCC or call 706-721-7322.