New director of Augusta University facilities operations named

James Grigg
James Grigg

Augusta University will welcome James Grigg, the new director of Facilities Operations, in October.

Grigg comes from Georgia Southern University in Statesboro where he is the director of Facilities Operations. At Georgia Southern, he oversees a staff of 285 and campus maintenance shops, including HVAC, electric, plumbing, carpentry, signage, and custodial. He previously was at The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina.

He was born and raised in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England, but calls Charleston, S.C. his hometown.

Grigg has a Bachelor of Engineering from Hertfordshire University in Hatfield, United Kingdom, and a graduate certification in Technical Project Management from The Citadel.

“I am excited to tackle the additional challenges of supporting a higher level of research on the Heath Sciences campus. The historic nature of the Summerville campus certainly appeals to me having come from Charleston and The Citadel. I am eager to assist Facilities Operations grow to be a great organization supporting a growing university,” Grigg said.

Grigg proceeds former Facilities Operations Director Dave Freeman.

The Department of Facilities Operations maintains and repairs facilities-related engineering and building systems in all campus buildings, covering approximately 3.9 million square feet and more than 270 acres on five campuses. The five campuses are Health Sciences, Summerville, Forest Hills, Riverfront and Gracewood.

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Written by
Haley Hughes

Haley Hughes is the Facilities Communications Coordinator at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-729-2098 or

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