Three students in the medical illustration graduate program within the College of Allied Health Sciences at Augusta University recently received awards from the Association of Medical Illustrators.
Category: Didactic/Instructional — Anatomy/Pathology
- Linden Pederson (class of ‘21) received an Award of Merit for Bone Fractures, a patient education poster.
Category: Didactic/Instructional — Surgical/Clinical Procedures
- Andrea Lacy (class of ’21) received an Award of Merit for Cholecystectomy with Multiple Cystic Arteries, an illustrated procedure for a surgical atlas.
- Linden Pederson (class of ’21) received an Award of Excellence for Laparoscopic Salpingectomy, an illustrated procedure for a surgical atlas.
- Clara Oh (class of ’22) received an Award of Excellence for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, an illustrated procedure for a surgical atlas. (According to Professor Bill Andrews, chair and program director, “It is very unusual for a first-year student to receive an Award of Excellence.”)
Each student’s artwork was exhibited in the virtual salon during the 75th meeting of the Association of Medical Illustrators. The AMI is the largest international organization promoting visual communications in the life and health sciences.

Completion of the 21-month curriculum in medical illustration results in a Master of Science in Medical Illustration granted through The Graduate School. Learn more about medical illustration at Augusta University.