Materials Seminar Series to start Friday

Over the past 20 to 25 years, the world has witnessed a major health crisis as a result of the dramatic increase in the emergence of multiple drug resistant pathogenic microorganisms (MDROs).

This emergence has resulted in a growing ineffectiveness of current antibiotic therapies. In turn, this has also stimulated a renewed interest in the development of new antibiotics that similarly adapt.

As part of the Materials Seminar Series, Dr. Rickey Hicks, dean of the College of Science and Mathematics, will present “Antimicrobial Peptides: Design, Biological Evaluation and Biophysical Characterization or the search for a SMART DRUG,” on Friday Sept. 11 from 4 -5 p.m. in Room W1002 of the Science Hall on the Summerville Campus.

Attendance is open to the public.

For more information on the Materials Seminar Series, please contact Dr. Trinanjan Datta (, Dr. Christopher Klug ( or Dr. Shaobin Miao (

The Materials Seminar Series is sponsored by the Georgia Regents Research Institute, the College of Science and Mathematics and the Department of Chemistry and Physics.

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Written by
Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson is publications editor at Augusta University. You can reach him at

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