Color aerial rendering of Lot 30 with treeline circled in yellow.
Some of the trees indicated in this circled area, along the fence that separates Lot 30 and Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home, will be removed due to disease.

Heads up for tree removal in Lot 30

Please be aware that several diseased and dying trees adjacent to the Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home will be removed Friday, Sept. 13.

If you park in Lot 30 on the Health Sciences Campus, please be sure to park away from the treeline for the protection of you and your vehicle. The area will be cordoned off as well.

The trees must be removed because of the potential danger from falling limbs, as well as the disease threat they pose to other trees around them.

This tree work will have a very limited effect on parking, since Lot 30 currently has extra capacity. The work is expected to be completed by 4 p.m. at the latest.

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Written by
Denise Parrish

Denise Parrish is Director of Communications for Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic at 706-721-9760 or

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