Employee Engagement Survey: Last day to participate!

[mks_progressbar name=”Employee Engagement” level=”85% Complete” value=”85″ height=”20″ color=”#0e314b” style=”squared”]

Today marks the final day of the Employee Engagement Survey and we’re so very close to our 90% goal!

As of 8:45 a.m. Monday, 85  percent of the eligible employees have taken the Employee Engagement Survey.

Several departments are within range of meeting the 90 percent participation goal.

  • Number of employees in departments who’ve reached 80-89 percent as of 8:45am this morning:  875

This survey is for those employed by Georgia Regents Medical Center, Georgia Regents Medical Associates, Roosevelt Warm Springs Hospital and staff who work in Advancement, Compliance, the Division of Communications and Marketing, Facilities, Human Resources and Supply Chain.

If you haven’t yet taken the survey and are employed by any of the above areas, please click here. The survey process only takes a few minutes to complete, and your identity and responses will not be shared with anyone from the health system or university.

If you have any problems accessing the survey, please contact Press Ganey’s support desk at 800-849-2292 or email hdesk@pressganey.com. The weekday email response is 24 hours.

Thank you for your continuing participation.

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Written by
Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson is publications editor at Augusta University. You can reach him at erijohnson@augusta.edu.

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