
Employees to self-screen at AU Health entrances

Augusta University Health is modifying entrance screening practices related to COVID-19 for our caregivers and guests. Beginning at 6 a.m. Friday, Jan. 8, employees will be required to self-screen prior to entering the facility and will attest by entering that they would have been cleared by answering the questions routinely asked upon entering the facility. This will free up personnel to more closely screen patients, support persons and guests for symptoms of flu, cold or COVID-19.

For all caregivers, entry into any AU Health facility will be recognized as self-attestation to COVID-19 self-screening and a declaration of being free from symptoms and not having tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days. In addition, staff and providers entering the facilities are committing to wearing a mask over their nose and mouth, distancing appropriately and continuously sanitizing their hands.

As we enter flu season and this new phase of pandemic precautions, know that your diligence in responding to this self-screening process will continue to support our priority to keep all individuals safe. Thank you for taking this extra step to protect yourself, our patients and colleagues in this way.

As a reminder, all faculty and staff must wear their official ID badge at all times within the facility.

For more information about symptoms, please call Employee Health at 706-721-3418. To schedule a COVID-19 test, call 706-721-1852.

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