"Augusta Gives supports scholarships, athletics, academics, research, innovation and other essential programs," says Kristina Baggott.
Blake McGee, PhD, and his associates noticed limited studies on the unintended or adverse outcomes of prescription drug monitoring programs.
“The Jaguar Job Fair is a great way to get educated about what employers are looking for,” says Julie Goley.
There is currently a high demand for SLP associates nationwide, due to a critical shortage of certified SLPs. Georgia’s projected annual job openings is 400.
“The issue is that the virus is still there and still able to release viral proteins,” says Eric Belin de Chantemèle, PhD.
"Augusta Gives is a way for everyone to celebrate the dynamic institution that is Augusta University by supporting the areas that matter most to them,” says Kristina Baggott.
"I’m beyond grateful to my community for the work we’ve been able to create together over the years," says Melanie Kitchens O'Meara, PhD.
"Research shows a significant relationship between gum disease and Alzheimer's disease," says Ranya El Sayed, PhD.
This is the 10th year the Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home has earned Best in Class honors and achieved the Customer Experience Award.
“My approach to counseling is I'll show up exactly as myself – someone clients can hopefully trust, respect and know that I will return that favor,” says Meredith Rausch, PhD.
“Having the right mentor at the right time to help you and guide you in the right way has been critically important,” says Jennifer Sullivan, PhD.
'Wishtree' will be presented at the Maxwell Performing Arts Theatre on AU's Summerville Campus from March 13-15 at 7 p.m. and at 3 p.m. on March 16.
The new 150,000-square-foot research building will help continue propelling Augusta University toward its aspirational imperative of becoming an R1 research university.
Friday, March 7, is Dress in Blue Day for Colorectal Cancer Awareness, marking the beginning of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.
“Simulation is a very technical and very specifically applied pedagogy," says A.J. Kleinheksel, PhD.
"Ultimately, Homecoming was a journey of self-improvement that helped me grow," says Suhayb Nijim.
"It helped me to really experience what it feels like to be a dental student. Now, I am treating my own patients in the junior clinic,” says Aliyah Hill.
Medical College of Georgia Dean David Hess, MD, gave his annual State of the College Address on Friday, Feb. 21.
“This program will help me learn more about what it takes to, not only get involved with but lead research projects at a university like AU,” says Brett Burrows, PhD.
Lance Hunter, PhD, says data centers currently use an estimated 1% to 2% of power worldwide, and those energy demands could grow 160% by 2030.