Augusta University Cadet and Nursing major Cristina McCrary has been named the recipient of the College of Nursing’s 2017 Colonel Vera Nolfe Anderson Army Nursing Endowment. This...
Emelina Perez, a student in the MS-Dietetic Internship Program, was recently awarded the Patsy Jane O’Malley Memorial Scholarship by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics...
The East Central Regional Healthcare Coalition presented a plaque to Fresenius for the services provided during Hurricane Irma.
The future of journalism may be uncertain, but its history is in good hands.
In 2013, Nitish Sood and his brother set out to help the homeless.
Catherine Stewart was recognized by the Greater Augusta chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.
The Office of Faculty Development and Teaching Excellence is excited to welcome three new members to its team.
Dr. Andrew P. Morris has been named the Campus Associate Dean for Curriculum at the Augusta University/ University of Georgia Medical Partnership in Athens, Georgia a four-year...
One of the first and most memorable projects that Charles Esposito implemented at the Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home was the creation of the beautiful courtyard. Now it's named...
First the city, now the state. Dr. B. R. Achyut has been selected as one of Georgia Trend’s “40 Under 40” for 2017. Achyut, a cancer biologist and assistant professor...
Dr. Stilianos Kountakis, chair of the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, is the recipient of a 2017...
Augusta University’s chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma has qualified for High Honors for the 2016-2017 academic year. Beta Gamma Sigma is the international society serving business...
The longtime chairman of the medical school’s Department of Family Medicine and the president and CEO of the Savannah health system that serves as one home base to students...
Quante Singleton, a third-year medical student at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, says that he always knew he wanted to be a physician, even if he wasn’t...