row of backpacks
The Healthy Grandparents Program gave out backpacks Saturday, Aug. 1, which were donated to children in preparation for the new school year.

Augusta University’s Healthy Grandparents Program hands out backpacks in time for back to school

Augusta University’s Healthy Grandparents Program distributed 150 backpacks for school-age grandchildren on Saturday, Aug. 1. The backpacks included scissors, hand sanitizer, highlighters, pencils and pens. The program purchases the backpacks and supplies with the help of grants from local and statewide organizations.

The Healthy Grandparents Program was established at the College of Nursing in January 1999 to provide physical, emotional and social support to grandparents and great-grandparents raising their grandchildren ages 0-17 living in parent-absent homes.

The program’s primary goal is to provide a variety of support services to grandparent caregivers, while assisting them to provide their grandchildren with a stable and supportive home environment without having to enter and/or re-enter the formal foster care system.

Dr. Mary Lou Davis, an assistant professor in the College of Nursing and director of the Healthy Grandparents Program, and Mike Patton, a social worker and program coordinator, said along with grant funding the program receives, the Augusta Exchange Club and Columbia County Merchants Association donated this year’s supplies.

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Written by
Miguelangelo Hernandez

Miguelangelo Hernandez is a senior communications and media coordinator at Augusta University. You can reach him at or (706) 993-6411.

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