Augusta University senior legal advisor represents at United Nations

Attorney Laverne Gaskins photographed in Geneva, Switzerland as a representative to the United Nations for the ABA.

In November, attorney Laverne Lewis Gaskins, senior legal advisor at Augusta University, traveled to Geneva, Switzerland, as a representative to the United Nations for the American Bar Association. Gaskins was appointed in June 2018 by the president of the ABA to serve a one-year term to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

Gaskins attended the U.N.’s Forum on Business and Human Rights. The forum is the world’s largest gathering of stakeholders, including law firms, academia and national human rights institutions, focused on initiatives to promote corporate human rights due diligence within the framework of principles advanced by the U.N. Human Rights Council.

“It was an honor to represent both Augusta University and the ABA at this global gathering of entities interested in identifying practices for improving our world for the present and future generations,” Gaskins said. “AU is an institution with an international presence, and it was a privilege to have the opportunity to serve in a capacity that is in keeping with our overall mission.”

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Kashalah Robinson
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