Augusta University Explains the ongoing economic crisis in Zimbabwe

In the documentary “The Extra Mile,” Augusta University alumnus and volunteer assistant coach Pardon Ndhlovu reflected on the difficult economic conditions he experienced growing up in Zimbabwe. Here, Dr. Angela Bratton, associate professor of anthropology, explains the history behind the economic crisis that has affected Zimbabwe since 2006.

Be sure to visit the Olympics page for our latest Olympic-related coverage, including reports from our two correspondents, Arthur Takahashi and Brennan Meagher, who will be on the ground in Rio from August 15 – 22. They will be providing continuing coverage of alumnus Pardon Ndhlovu’s Olympic journey, which was documented in Augusta University-produced short film, “The Extra Mile.”

Follow them on Twitter at @brennanmeagher and @ArthurTakahashi and follow#RunWithPardon on social media.

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