Augusta University Health is hosting a series of Town Hall Parent/Caregiver Meetings to provide support and resources to anyone caring for children with special health care needs. The first will be Tuesday, Jan. 22, in the Children’s Hospital of Georgia, in room BT1810.
Called “Summer Time Fun,” the first Town Hall will discuss how to identify summer camps and activities for children with special needs and provide tools and suggestions for networking with other parents. Augusta University’s Dr. Teal Benevides, associate professor in the College of Allied Health Sciences‘ Department of Occupational Therapy, is assisting in January’s meeting.
Future topics and activities include finding and understanding waiver and grant applications; primary care medical home and transitioning to adult care, and tactics for less stressful holidays and special occasions.
Any parent, caregiver or community member involved with children with special health care needs will want to take advantage of these Navigating Systems Town Hall meetings and the wide range of topics they will be covering.
Mark your calendar for future town halls in the series:
March 26 — Paperwork Workshop (Room BT1810)
- Share what resources are available (Family Support Funds, Champions for Kids, DD (NOW/COMP), Deeming Waiver (Katie Beckett), other grants
- Start and/or complete application related to services child needs
- Introduce Advance Directives, POLST, EIF (emergency information) forms
April 23 —Primary Care Medical Home (PCMH) Transition (Room BT1809)
- Define PCMH
- Identify PCMH and resources
- List steps to find/secure new pediatric or adult PCP/PCMH
July 23 — Christmas in July (Room BT1810)
- Identify viable and meaningful gifts
- Create list of out of the box birthday party ideas
November 19 — Thriving through the holidays (Room BT1810)
- Create self-care plans (safe/escape rooms, parent or child)
- Identify potential new traditions
For more information about the Town Hall meetings contact Naomi Williams, Family Support Coordinator or call 706-721-5160 in the AU Health Center for Patients and Families.