AU Health building

Hospital Week begins May 8

The second week of May represents Hospital Week, and various activities around the Augusta University Health campus have been planned to celebrate the occasion. The week long schedule of activities will commence on May 8 and continue each day until May 12.

Kicking off the week, the first event will take place in the Magnolia Room of the Terrace Dining Hall on Monday, May 8 from 8-10 a.m. Participants can choose between two healthy snack options by selecting either fruit or granola bar.

The following day, Tuesday May 9, is reserved for giveaways. Prizewinners will be notified via email.

From 9 a.m.–4 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10, gifts will be presented to each department in the BC Lobby (right outside of Lee Auditorium). A department representative must collect each gift.

Similar to Tuesday, giveaway prizes will be given to several lucky hospital employees on Thursday.

Third shift employees from each department can expect sausage biscuit deliveries on Friday, May 12, the last day of Hospital Week.

For additional information about the Hospital Week schedule, contact Sandy Huntington.

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Written by
Andy Napier

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