A message from Dr. Buckley regarding the delivery of the conjoined twins

The following email was sent earlier today by Dr. Peter Buckley.

Dear Colleagues,

As you may be aware, physicians and staff at Georgia Regents Medical Center will deliver the hospital’s first set of conjoined twins on Monday.

News of the twins’ arrival received national media attention today, and in anticipation of heightened visibility in the days ahead, please be reminded of the following rules protecting patient privacy:

  • Access to patient records must be work-related.
  • A patient’s care is not to be discussed with family, friends or the press.
  • Photography and video of patients is prohibited except by those authorized by the Division of Communications and Marketing.

Violation of these patient privacy rules is a serious offense that could result in termination and potential fines.

We understand the excitement and curiosity that accompanies such a rare birth, but as health care professionals, we must remember our number one priority is to our patients and families.

If you receive calls from media, please refer them to our Media Relations Department. A media representative can be reached through the hospital paging operator at 706-721-3893. Patient privacy questions can be directed to the Enterprise Privacy Officer at 706-721-0900.

We also ask that you be mindful of unauthorized personnel in patient care areas. These persons should be reported to hospital security at 706-721-2911.

Finally, I ask that your thoughts and prayers be with our talented teams of health care professionals, the mother and her two precious babies.


Dr. Peter F. Buckley
Dean, Medical College of Georgia
Interim Executive Vice President for Clinical Affairs,
Georgia Regents Medical Center and Medical Associates

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