Three female Orientation Leaders at Augusta University holding hand-made signs that read "helpful","growth", and "guidance."
A trio of Augusta University's orientation leaders display some of the team's aspirations for new students. [Michael Holahan/Augusta University]

Watch: Inside the world of New Student Orientation, Jags4Jags Mentorship Program

In conclusion to Season 4, the latest episode of In the Wild, Augusta University’s official podcast, aims to leave listeners ignited as they delve into the captivating realm of New Student Orientation.

The episode features an engaging conversation with Mark Myers, director of New Student & Family Transitions, and Natalie Meredith, assistant director of New Student & Family Transitions.

The episode kicks off with an exploration of the experiences offered by New Student Orientation. Myers shares valuable insights into the comprehensive program, which serves as a vital transition period for incoming students.

From informative sessions to campus tours, the episode reveals how New Student Orientation prepares new Jaguars for a successful academic journey.

Also, Meredith shines a light on the pivotal role of orientation leaders in welcoming and guiding new students, sharing anecdotes of their dedication and passion.

One of the highlights of the episode is the introduction of the groundbreaking Jags4Jags Mentorship Program. Designed to foster a supportive community among students, Jags4Jags connects new students with experienced mentors who provide guidance and encouragement throughout their university experience.

Myers and Meredith discuss the program’s goals, its impact on student success and heartwarming stories from its inaugural year.

Listen to In the Wild on your favorite audio platforms or on the university’s YouTube channel.

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