Virtual town hall to cover COVID-19 vaccine and distribution

Augusta University Health will host a virtual town hall for health care providers at noon Wednesday, Dec. 9, covering the latest information on the COVID-19 vaccination and plans for distribution.

The forum is open to the Augusta University and AU Health community and will include presentations from Dr. Phillip Coule, chief medical officer for AU HealthDr. Jose Vazquez, chief of infectious diseases at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University; and Joshua Wyche, director of pharmacy at AU Health.

As of Nov. 24, five large-scale (Phase 3) clinical trials were in progress or being planned for COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S. AU Health recently announced plans to serve as a vaccination distribution hub once a vaccine is approved by the Food and Drug Administration and guidance provided for who should receive it.

The town hall can be accessed virtually via WebEx.

Find more COVID-19 updates on our resource page.

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