governor Brian Kemp
Gov. Brian Kemp

Update on Gov. Kemp’s executive order

Gov. Brian Kemp has issued a new executive order regarding COVID-19 and the public health emergency.

Among other things, the order supersedes local ordinances and implements a statewide shelter-in-place directive. The provisions of the order became effective at 6 p.m. April 3, and will remain in effect through the end of April 30. The previously declared public health state of emergency hs also been extended to May 13. The full text of the order is available online.

The order’s shelter-in-place directive has several exceptions, including one for individuals who work as part of “critical infrastructure” and are actively engaged in the performance of, or travel to and from, their employment. Because Augusta University is considered critical infrastructure as defined by the order, we can continue to engage in distance learning and other essential functions, including travel as necessary for those purposes.

Therefore, if you are designated an essential employee by your unit, the order allows you to travel as necessary to perform your job duties. While you are not required to carry documentation that you are an essential employee, we recommend you travel with your employee identification badge.

Employees should continue to follow direction from their units regarding their status as an essential employee. Employees who must work on campus should practice social distancing and limit group gatherings to fewer than 10 people.

When conducting essential in-person operations, the order requires the university to implement certain measures to mitigate exposure and spread of COVID-19. These 16 measures, listed on pages 5-6 of the executive order in the section concerning “critical infrastructure,” include screening and evaluation of workers exhibiting signs of illness; directing workers who exhibit symptoms not to report to work; and other safety, sanitation and social distancing measures.

Therefore, if you are experiencing symptoms of illness, including fever, cough or shortness of breath, you should not report to work and instead seek medical attention and notify your supervisor. If you experience symptoms of illness while at work, you should immediately report to your supervisor that you need to leave work and access the AU Health Express Care app for a free virtual COVID-19 screening.

Our highest priority is the health and safety of our faculty, staff and students. We continue to encourage all members of our community to follow guidance from medical professionals and public health authorities.

For the latest news and information, visit our dedicated COVID-19 resource page.


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