Statement on retirement of University System of Georgia Chancellor

Brooks A. Keel, president of Augusta University

It has been a true honor to work under the leadership of University System of Georgia Chancellor Hank M. Huckaby. He is a principled leader and strong advocate for higher education in Georgia. I am inspired by his commitment to create a more educated state and a better educational experience for every student enrolled in Georgia’s public colleges and universities.

As an advocate for economic development, the chancellor’s work to create public-private partnerships and other innovative solutions to decrease the burden of rising administrative costs on students, schools and local communities cannot be overlooked. In addition, some of the country’s first successful university consolidations were completed under his leadership – the result of which is our very own Augusta University.

I am thankful to Chancellor Huckaby for the professional opportunities he has afforded me. The most important of which – the chance to serve as the first president of Augusta University and past president of Georgia Southern University.

I wish the chancellor well in his future endeavors and look forward to his continued impact on higher education in Georgia.

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Written by
Danielle Harris

Danielle Harris is Senior Media Relations Coordinator at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-721-7511 or

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