group of people smiling for photo
UPE inductees with UPE Councilmen Jeffrey Poppyack (second from left), UPE Faculty Adviser Dr. Harley Eades and School of Computer and Cyber Sciences Dean Dr. Alex Schwarzmann.

School of Computer and Cyber Sciences charters new computing honor society chapter

Congratulations to seven School of Computer and Cyber Sciences students for becoming charter members of Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) at Augusta University.

UPE was first organized at Texas A&M University in 1967. UPE is the first and only existing international honor society in the computing and information disciplines.

The charter members of Upsilon Pi Epsilon include Edgar Chavez; Justin Francis; Dawn Kimura; Fiona McGreevy, UPE president; Assya Sellak, UPE secretary; Alexandra Stanley, UPE vice president; and Logan VanPutte, UPE historian.

Membership in UPE is limited to juniors and seniors who are in the top 35% of students in their major with at least a 3.3 GPA. They must effectively achieve the original goals of the society, which include:

  • The recognition of outstanding talent in the field of computing science
  • The promotion of high scholarship in computing science
  • The establishment and maintenance of high standards in computing science
  • The representation of computing science in interdisciplinary communications
  • The encouragement of individual contributions to society through computing science

“UPE is an exciting opportunity for our best and brightest students to work together to host new events centered around computing, career development, and academic advancement,” says Professor Harley Eades, UPE faculty advisor. “UPE students will also get the opportunity to participate in undergraduate research within the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences if that is something that interests them. As the faculty adviser for UPE, I am looking forward to working with the UPE members to make our chapter the best it can be.”

Augusta University’s chapter of UPE is the 290th chapter launched in the United States and has been designated the title chapter Mu of Georgia by the UPE national council. We look forward to growing this student organization more in the years to come.

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Written by
Haley Crain

Haley Crain is the Communications Specialist for the Division of Instruction & Innovation at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at

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