Research!America CEO to present on “Changing Hearts and Minds for Science”

Mary Woolley

Mary Woolley, president and CEO of Research!America, will present a seminar titled “Your Role in Changing Hearts and Minds for Science” on Thursday, May 18 at 9 a.m. in Health Sciences Building Room (EC) 1218 during the 14th Virendra B. Mahesh Lectureship.

The lectureship, established in 2001 by the Department of Physiology at Augusta University as a lasting tribute to former department chair Dr. Virendra B. Mahesh’s health care legacy, brings outstanding health sciences leaders to campus every year to exchange ideas with university researchers and to inspire young trainees and investigators to pursue careers in the health sciences field.

Woolley is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine. She currently serves on the National Academy of Sciences Board for Higher Education and Workforce, and is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Previously, Woolley served as a reviewer for the National Institutes of Health and the National Sciences Foundation. Her 30-year editorial and publication history includes numerous publication credits in papers and magazines such as “The New York Times,” “The Washington Post,” “Science” and “Nature.”

For more information about the Virendra B. Mahesh Lectureship, contact the Department of Physiology at 706-721-7741.

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Nick Garrett

Nick Garrett is a communications coordinator in the Division of Communications & Marketing at Augusta University. Contact him at 706-446-4802 or

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