Policy Updates July 8, 2015

The following is a list of updated policies as of July 8, 2015:

Graduate Teaching Assistant Policy—university-wide, minimum standards for Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) when used to provide course instruction. Those academic programs who do not use graduate students in instructional roles are not affected by these guidelines. Departments may adopt more stringent standards to credential or certify instructors.



External Audit Policy—provides guidelines for university personnel who receive notices of external audits. Any notice received should be referred to the Chief Audit Officer, Chief Integrity Officer and Chief Risk Officer, who will coordinate with department personnel to ensure the external auditors receive all required assistance and information.



HIV HBV HCV Policy—applying to those students currently enrolled in health science programs, policy provides for a method of managing those students who are or become infected with a blood borne pathogen including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B (HBV), and Hepatitis C (HCV).



Philanthropic and Honorary Naming Policy—describes process by which GRU permits the naming of selected units, positions/programs, structures, spaces, and objects in honor of individuals/entities whose accomplishments and/or generosity advance and increase the capacity of the university to meet its teaching, research and clinical service mission.



Academic Rights and Responsibilities—addresses the rights conferred to and responsibilities of faculty with regard to teaching, research, and service as they pursue the mission of Georgia Regents University.



Employment Procedures (Workforce Policy)—establishes uniform procedures for the recruitment, evaluation and selection of qualified personnel for positions of Georgia Regents University



General Institutional Admissions Policy—admissions policy for all colleges at Georgia Regents University, which processes applicant materials for all applicants except those to the Medical College of Georgia and College of Dental Medicine, which each have their own admissions departments within their respective colleges.



Service and Comfort Animal Policy—establishes the different requirements between the use of comfort animals and service animals for students with disabilities.


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Written by
Nick Garrett

Nick Garrett is a communications coordinator in the Division of Communications & Marketing at Augusta University. Contact him at 706-446-4802 or ngarret1@augusta.edu.

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