New and updated policies now available online

Augusta University’s Office of Legal Affairs assumed responsibility for the university’s policy system in January and is working to update and streamline the policy process. In recent months a new “Policy on Policies” was approved and implemented to create a better structure and process whereby university policies can be developed, vetted, reviewed and approved in a thoughtful and efficient manner.

In accordance with this new process, all draft policies previously in the queue have been completed. Work has also started to update older policies and develop new policies in response to recent developments in education and healthcare.

The following new and revised policies have recently been completed and approved:

  • Pre-tenure Review Policy
  • Encryption Policy
  • Electronic Information Security Policy
  • Information Security Training Policy
  • Disciplinary Procedures for Employees

The complete University Policy Library can be accessed at any time online.

If you have any questions or need any assistance with new or revised university policies, contact the Office of Legal Affairs at 706-721-4018.

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