Please use only designated crosswalks during 15th Street construction

Crosswalk closed sign
For your safety, please do not enter closed crosswalks or closed sidewalks.

Augusta University Police and Facilities leaders urge students, faculty and staff to only cross streets at designated crosswalks, particularly on the Health Sciences Campus while heavy sidewalk construction is happening along 15th Street.

Several crosswalks are currently closed and marked with signs and barricades, but pedestrians are still trying to access these closed crosswalks. Please carefully read and follow the construction signs, and only cross at the open crosswalks as indicated. Failure to cross appropriately puts pedestrians and drivers at risk.

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Written by
Denise Parrish

Denise Parrish is Director of Communications for Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic at 706-721-9760 or

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