AU Medical Center open enrollment ends Sunday

Open Enrollment for AU Medical Center benefits began on Sunday, October 1, and ends on at midnight Sunday, October 15, 2017.

As in past years, this is an active open enrollment.  Even if you want to keep your current plans the same, you will need to complete the Open Enrolment process through the employee self-service (ESS) website, or you could lose some of your current benefit elections.  For example:

Anyone participating in a flexible spending (FSA) or health savings account (HSA) must elect and enter their annual contribution amount for 2018.

Anyone who is tobacco-free will need to attest, or confirm previous attestation. If the attestation is not completed the tobacco surcharge will be added to you premium.

If your spouse is on your health plan, you also need to complete, or confirm a previous Spousal Surcharge attestation.

Communication materials were mailed out, but if you’d like a preview of 2018 benefit programs, visit the open enrollment page on PAWS.

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