May is for Miracles brings creative competition to campus. Sign up now!

The Children’s Hospital of Georgia at Augusta University is continuing their May is for Miracle program for the second year.

Beginning May 1, departments across the health system will have the opportunity to participate in the program and generate awareness for Children’s partnership with the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN) as well as raise funds for Children’s Hospital of Georgia.

With all the funds raised going to support the Children’s Hospital, May is for Miracles is a fun way to raise money while bringing awareness.

Initially, all participating departments will receive 50 paper Children’s Miracle Network icon balloons, which are paper representations of the CMN hot-air balloon logo. These “miracle balloons” are $1 apiece, and an opportunity for friends and family to support Children’s!

Once a department raises $50 by selling all their first balloons, it will receive another 50 balloons.

These paper balloons will then be used to make a creative display by each department.

Departments will be able to start building their designs May 17, and all teams will have a couple of weeks to prepare, plan and get creative. The more balloons sold means the more elaborate you can get.

During the last week of May, Miracle Kids from Children’s Hospital of Georgia will walk around and judge each display. Participating departments have the chance to win two awards: Most Money Raised and Most Creative Display.

Think big, small, tall and wide, and help make May a month for miracles (and win some prizes!).

Last year, the inaugural May is for Miracles campaign raised over $6,500 with 16 departments participating.

Don’t miss this chance to help bring awareness to Augusta’s local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital, and raise money in a fun and creative way.

For more information or to sign up, please contact Gracie Carryl or call 706-446-0232.

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Written by
Emily Lacey

Emily Lacey is a writer in the Division of Communications & Marketing at Augusta University. Contact her to schedule an interview on this topic or with one of our experts at 706-721-6144

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