Master Plan Update

The following email was sent by Dr. Gretchen Caughman

Dear Colleagues,

The GRU Campus Master Plan Advisory Committee today learned about several transformative changes on the horizon for all campuses.

Due to interest from local news outlets on the Campus Master Plan, the GRU master planning committee wants to ensure our faculty and staff are informed first.

Most notably, demolition will begin in late May of Residence V, located behind the Wellness Center on the Health Sciences Campus. In its place will be a new student housing complex with more than 700 beds, which will open for Fall 2016.

Master planning team Smith Group JJR is actively engaged in scenario-based, programmatic planning for academic, clinical, and student life across all campuses.

The highest and best use of existing facilities is being evaluated as is the need for new facilities, all to ensure GRU’s nine colleges realize their goals of enhancing their individual program offerings to the greatest benefit of students, patients, staff, and faculty.

GRU will continue to work with the Board of Regents to develop plans for the clinical arm of the enterprise.


Gretchen B. Caughman

Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

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