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Mandatory employee compliance training live from Oct. 15-Nov. 15

Annual compliance training will be available for Augusta University and Augusta University Health employees beginning Oct. 15. All employees, including those who recently completed new employee orientation, must complete this mandatory training by the Nov. 15 deadline.  

In this training, employees will be refreshed on pertinent compliance topics including safety, security and emergency preparedness; anti-sexual harassment; conflicts of interest; privacy; information security; and how to report compliance concerns appropriately.  

These modules will serve as a complement to the University System of Georgia’s mandatory training in information security, ethics and diversity and inclusion. 

In addition to this mandatory training, employees are encouraged to review Augusta University and AU Health policies, procedures and guidance like the employee handbook, policy libraries and USG policies and manuals. 

Email Compliance, Ethics and Risk Management with questions about the training. Read more about the university’s efforts to improve ethics education this fall. 

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