men standing for photo
Dr. Ronald Spearman, center left, and Dr. Joseph Hobbs, center right, pose with other students on the Augusta University campus. Spearman and Hobbs were among the first Black students at the Medical College of Georgia.

Listen: MCG trailblazers reflect on their experiences during desegregation

To celebrate Black History Month and honor our Augusta University trailblazers, Drs. Joseph Hobbs and Ronald Spearman share their stories and their legacy of attending the Medical College of Georgia during desegregation.

Hobbs serves as professor emeritus at MCG after holding several positions, including chair of the Department of Family Medicine at MCG. Spearman is a retired physician and the first African American to join the Internal Medicine faculty at MCG.

Both men were also the first Black residents in their respective specialties, paving the way for and helping train many future health care professionals. 

Listen to In the Wild on all major podcast platforms.

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Aenea Clark

Aenea Clark is a spring 2022 communications intern with Communications & Marketing.

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Written by Aenea Clark

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