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Keep your data secure while traveling

Whether you are traveling for work or for vacation, it is important to secure your information.

Here are some tips to protect you provided by Shakeel Khan, manager of IT Security Risk and Compliance.

  • Back up any important information before traveling.
  • Only travel with the information you need. (Augusta University employees are encouraged to store documents in your Box account ( to access files while traveling.
  • Lock down devices. Make sure your devices have a strong passphrase or PIN.
  • Be cautious when connecting to public Wi-Fi. Avoid unencrypted networks and ask your hotel about its security protocol before connecting. If you must use public Wi-Fi do not access personal accounts or sensitive data.
  • Disable auto-connect to public Wi-Fi.
  • Change your passwords before and after you travel.
  • Disable Bluetooth. If Bluetooth is left on, potential hackers can connect to your phone and potentially gain access to your device.
  • Encrypt your device(s).

Augusta University and Health System has a Cybersecurity Hotline (706-721-7233) to report suspicious activity. If on campus, call 1-SAFE if you are experiencing abnormal activity or if your device has been lost or stolen.

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Written by
Miguelangelo Hernandez

Miguelangelo Hernandez is a senior communications and media coordinator at Augusta University. You can reach him at or (706) 993-6411.

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