cyber space

IT releases requirements for remote work security

While working from home is highly desirable during the current COVID-19 pandemic, Augusta University must remain vigilant in the security of our systems and data. To ensure that security, Information Technology has established some basic requirements for computers before they can be used off-campus.

If telecommuters are accessing applications and systems that are web accessible or available through Citrix, Information Technology’s current guidelines and recommendations allow for the use of a personal computer.  We ask that everyone remain vigilant of cybersecurity risks: do not save any data to your device and log off of all applications before allowing anyone else to use the computer.

If telecommuters require access to any application that is only available from a remote site via the Augusta University Virtual Private Network (VPN), they must use an Augusta University device that has been confirmed to meet specific security requirements specified here.  VPN access is available only with a demonstrated need and must be requested through your departmental security authority and approved through your President’s Cabinet member or the AUHS review committee.

The following requirements are applicable only to institutionally owned devices that are moved offsite to support remote activities:

Requirements for your computer to be compliant:
  1. Bitlocker (Windows) or FileVault (Apple) Encryption
  2. AU domain joined (Windows) or JAMF installed (Apple)
  3. Absolute software installed

To determine if these are installed on your computer please go to our remote work page and follow the instructions.

If you do not have the above software installed, please contact the Service Desk at 721-4000 and enter a ticket.

Additional information regarding the remote work initiative can be found under our security and policies page.

In addition to ensuring your device is in compliance with the software requirements, you must complete the Equipment Loan Agreement and your respective President’s cabinet member must sign the document.

As a reminder, you are responsible for any Augusta University equipment in your possession, including and/or replacement if lost or damaged due to negligence.

Thank you for your diligence in keeping Augusta University cyber safe.

Read the latest news and hear from Augusta University Health experts about the emerging public health concern of COVID-19 on our dedicated resource page.

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