Students gathered together during Outdoor Recreation's annual ski trip.

‘In the Wild’: Experience chills, thrills and more with Outdoor Recreation

In the latest episode of In the Wild, podcast host Raysean Ricks traveled to the Winterplace, West Virginia, with Augusta University’s Outdoor Recreation team for a snowy episode on the slopes.

Matt Davis, outdoor recreation coordinator, discusses the ins and outs of successfully operating and planning a trip that is safe and fun for students, as well as the opportunities students have to be involved throughout the year with Outdoor Recreation.

Destini Simpson, an undergraduate health information administration major, and Aquila Young, an undergraduate psychology major, join the podcast to share about their first times hitting the slopes. During this experience, almost 40 students had the opportunity to learn how to ski or snowboard.

“We were thrilled to have this awesome experience at Winterplace Ski Resort,” Ricks said. “This was more than just a ski trip for students. It was an adventure and an opportunity for them to step outside of comfort zones by experiencing something we’d never experience on campus.”

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