Helping those in need has never been easier

Last Thursday, Dr. Gretchen Caughman, Provost of Georgia Regents University, sent an email to the university community welcoming participation in the State Charitable Contributions Program (SCCP), the official workplace giving campaign for state employees and the University System of Georgia.

As honorary chair, Caughman knows how dedicated GRU’s faculty, staff and employees are to making a difference in their community. Now, making a donation that matters is easier than ever.

Not only are employees able to donate via a payroll deduction, they can also choose to make a one-time donation to any of more than 1,300 charities.

If you know now where you’d like your charitable contribution to go, you can give online or fill out a pledge form and submit it to the SCCP Agency Coordinator, Alyssa Haskins. If you’d rather hold off and talk to representatives of some local charities, please circle Wednesday, Nov. 4, on your calendar and plan to attend the Wellness and Benefits Fair at the GRU Jaguar Wellness Center on the Health Sciences Campus.

Our local campaign runs through Nov. 15, so if you’d like to help shape the future for those in need, please act soon.

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Written by
Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson is publications editor at Augusta University. You can reach him at

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